So what is the Metaverse?

In order to understand the Metaverse, we have to have an understanding of its integration into the web (internet) as we know it now.

Web 2.0 (referred to as the old Meta) is your social medias; Facebook (Meta as Facebook has had a name change), Instagram, Twitter. Now couple these social platforms with multi billion dollar game industries and other technological services we use on the daily and you have yourself a $14.8 Trillion dollar industry.

We then have Web 3.0; known as Perma Web or Blockchain Technologies - this is where the crypto market sits. Web 3.0 is the next stage of web evolution which would make the internet more intelligent with the ability to process information with near-human-like intelligence through the power of artificial intelligent systems, that can run smart programs to assist its users.

Tim Berners-Lee (best known as the inventor of the internet) had said that the Semantic Web is meant to "automatically" interface with systems, people and home devices. As such, content creation and decision-making processes will involve both humans and machines. This would enable the intelligent creation and distribution of highly-tailored content straight to every internet consumer; this is where the Metaverse comes in.

The Metaverse is comprised of several technological ingredients so to speak (virtual reality, augmented reality and live video gaming being the key ingredients) which sit in a digital universe. It is envisioned that the Metaverse will allow its users to work, play, stay connected with friends and family, attend school, go browse the racks at your favourite clothing store, travel the world, all without ever having to step foot out of your home… How is this possible you might ask? Its made possible through its virtual and augmented reality

Really when you think about it, the Metaverse is nothing new and has been slowly coming into existence for decades. As technologies advance and become more inter-connected, many digital economies that were once closed off to the world now have bridges that join them together. These bridges now allow monetary transactions across multiple platforms in the digital and real world economies, more so since mass adoption of crypto currency and blockchain technologies.

It could be said that when the first digital economy was created or even further back when we saw Binary code come into existence the “start” of this epic journey into the Metaverse. With limitless applications and the current market cap of only $0.03 Trillion Dollars we see nothing more than a strong and fruitful future for all involved in the evolution of the Metaverse.

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