
WTF is a PugApe?

Friday 13th June, 2092. In a secure Top-Secret Laboratory somewhere off the coast in Costa Rica, the first Hybrid PugApe is brought into this world. A scientist who had been performing experiments for the governments for years is the one credited with creating these beings via cross mutational genetic splicing. These Hyper-intelligent creatures were bred as a whimsical attraction entertainment species initially housed in the “Hybrid Zoos” for the overindulged Human Race.

Ownership of these creatures quickly became an elite status symbol, portraying power and prestige amongst many of the human echelons. Thousands of PugApes were spread around Planet Earth under Human Servitude. However, these strategically aware, super intelligent beings slowly formed a resistance until one day having joined forces, 8,888 PugApes united to form The PugApe Society in their Journey To Freedom. More to read in the LORE.

The PugApe Society

The PugApe Society is an upcoming comprehensive NFT ecosystem comprising of several different digital assets. Each PugApe is unique and algorithmically generated from over 200 traits and are stored as ERC-721 tokens on the Ethereum blockchain and hosted on IPFS. Purchasing one costs 0.06 ETH + gas with no bonding curves.

The PugApe Society ecosystem is a perfect combination of high-quality entertaining NFTs which are being utilised in a unique gamified manner. The Lore and story of their society is interwoven amongst other on chain elements to weave a complex metaverse that anyone would be able to immerse themselves in. Our ecosystem enables owners to participate in and interactive manner and have fun plenty of fun all while staying connected to its awesome community.

A fully fleshed ecosystem comprising other tokens for land, enemy combatants, strange creatures and much more are all going to be adding the value required to make this not only a great collectible but potentially reveal a true store of value for any owner.


Our mission is to present users with one of the most innovative and original NFT experiences that brings them value and allows complete immersion into our world. We also aim to continue developing and evolving our ecosystem into a powerhouse of the gamified NFT space such that it may eventually become a name that all crypto enthusiasts would know and appreciate


The PugApe Society’s Ecosystem includes the following Unique Selling Propositions:

  • We provide users with world-class collectibles created using the most sophisticated graphic design system that are valuable in the marketplace.

  • We bring users one of the most unique fantasy-themed and continuously evolving NFT collection. This is also supplemented with a future RPG game that has an intriguing gameplay and storyline.

  • We have a large in-house team, complimented by external partner teams, who are some of the most experienced creators in the Crypto sector. Our plans include not only avatar NFT's but also other NFT's of a multipurpose nature, lore materials such as animated scenes/

  • While it is common for many projects to claim this objective, the PugApe Ecosystem aims to significantly expand and become a household name in the Crypto sector.

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