The PugApe Lore

The year is 2092 and humanities technological advancements have progressed at such a rate that all but the most personal human tasks were replaced by automated processes, This combined with Space Z’s advancements in interstellar travel meant that those with money chose the life of intergalactic cruising whilst many retained residency in some of the more encapsulating worlds scattered throughout the Universe.

This left the population of Earth with an abundance of space and lack of strict leadership and law enforcement. As most operations have become automated, people began having less and less purpose and over time have become fixated on pleasure and entertainment. Morals have diminished and although eternal knowledge is easily attainable, the last of humanity have chosen a more primitive way of living. Feasting like gluttons, committing inhumane crimes and partaking in acts which would be deemed unrighteous.

One of the most popular avenues of new entertainment were the “Hybrid Zoo’s” that were rumored to have been created by the government. As genetics, which is now practically common knowledge, were used to splice DNA of some of the worlds most loved and adorned animal species and some not so to create and endless array of new attractions and some for more sinister of purposes.

Among the many combinations there was Canine and Ape, this seemed to be the perfect combination for genetic stability as they were unlike most of the attractions at the Zoos and it was soon apparent they were a lot more intelligent than the other genetic experiments already housed in these venues.

Within a short time span, the Pugapes demonstrated how advanced their species really are by mastering vocal and written communication within days of being created. A week later they had mastered physics and mathematics. Needless to say the Pugapes were a massive success.

With this new found excitement for Pugapes they quickly became a common trophy item within the houses of some of the most prestigious of humans that remained on Earth. However the now lazy and over indulged humans treated the Pugapes with complete disregard, after all they were an “abomination”. This inevitably caused unrest amongst the Pugape community and slowly resent for their Human dictators began to fester and multiply.

The Pugapes started to resent their existence over time as the humans who they performed for, were heartless and cruel and treated them as if they were incompetent lesser beings, so it was not even conceivable to the humans that the Pugapes were slowly devising a plan, coupled with access to some of the highest level of information on the planet things started to take form.

With this information and having now lived in the human community for years following their “owners” like lapdogs, most Pugapes had learnt how to mimic human operation of some of the most technically advanced systems they were accustomed to seeing daily.

What started as small pockets of resistance soon grew in numbers until the chance came to make their move, as the Humans were enjoying many of their “World Day” holidays the Pugapes saw their chance, Worldwide they stormed the many Space Z terminals… out of 12,000 that attempted it only 8,888 escaped to safety.

Having chosen a Planet the humans had long disregarded the Pugapes have set course vowing that when the time was right they would return to Earth to free more of their species and many others still trapped in incarceration!

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